Granular synthesis is just incredible stuff. In fact
Ben got me into it really and I just love it. You can take anything and I mean anything from live atmos or foley sound recordings to one single tabla hit or a single tibetan bell hit and create the most amazing sounds you will ever hear from any synthesiser. So far removed from reality it is just hard to imagine. Nothing comes close to granular synthesis. It is not for everyone though. Normal sounds are not its thing. It is wonderful for strange sound design stuff which this piece from
Ben is.
Great to see granular inside Omnisphere now. The two others to get into are
New Sonic Arts 'Granite' and
SoundGuru 'The Mangle'. (They are different from each other but wonderful though)
Ben uses a great Steinberg granular synth as well.
(Padshop) I have not gone down the
Padshop path because I am pretty inviolved with
Granite and
The Mangle but I am sure it is great as well.