Can you explain us what "created from the temporal audio" means.
The Temporal is location field and vision recordings.
So you record some sounds and make audio from it ... what's the process? You said something similar on your earlier Fountain piece : "The sounds are all temporal ;) or filmed on location, and I use these to create the chords heard throughout the piece." - so you recorded the sounds of the fountain, and then used those sounds ... how do you use them?
Ok, so just like in film location work you record the audio and vision together, so the vision and audio are time locked. The same happens in these compositions. I place this audio in a granular synthesizer, and I use Steinberg's Padshop, because it the interface is similar to most synth interfaces.
Oh, and for those who don't know what a granular synthesizer is, think a sampler but only much better because not only can you go backwards and forwards with the sample, you can horizontal or diagonal...its a bit poetic but think of the analogy of sculpting but you're sculpting with sound.
So I have an audio track inside the granular synth, and I time lock the grain position...the forward and backward of the sample so it stays in sync with the vision. I then compose a piece using Roman Numeral Analysis...so the 1 chord is the dominant, the 2nd in the case of minor a diminished etc. I also use the theory of key signature too, which is supposed to be moot, no one can say for sure if it's true. So for this piece I used Fm because it was a funeral piece...David Bowie had just died, and the theory of key says Fm is the funeral key.
I then sculpt to shape the sounds heard in piece. I also have a clean layer, and for this piece I layered 3 granular synths to create a harmony of sorts.
Does that explain it Ultra? lol ;)
Peace Ben