Thanks to all for the comments! This tune came from around the year 2000 and was mixed by a much younger version of yours truly.
Yoropal, I know I'm talking to a true musician when the audience perspective of drums is mentioned! It looks like the snare ended up in a weird place, and I'm putting out an A.P.B. for the kick drum. Prepare the milk cartons.
JamesG1213, yes I very much appreciate the L42 reference! Even more, that someone besides myself has even heard of them. Many thanks for the guilty pleasure compliment!
I agree with
Daryl1968, the cymbals get a bit fizzy, good call. I can wratchet that down some.
Kenny, I was out of my comfort zone on this one, shooting for a respectable prog jazz performances, kind of flashy, glad to know I got close! Thanks for the comments . . .
Dan, your ears and skills are obvious to anyone who is paying attention around here. Even better that you contribute and help the work of others on such a regular basis - thanks very much for the time and help.
Kevinwal, thanks for the kudos - I agree it's getting a little more difficult to judge the hf as one gets older. Thanks goodness for frequency graphs for the eyeballs. Good call on the kick drum, thanks for the comments.
Markno999, thanks for the thoughts, much obliged. As I wrote and recorded this 16 years ago, I probably didn't even know what the genre required! Still, ignorance of the genre is no excuse. I'll definitely consider a make-over, thanks again.
ABull, and
Batsbrew, glad you appreciated the effort. I do like the different types of sounds and when they come in, arrangement - wise, but agreed the mix could be a lot better and the drums in particular. I'll try another run at it, thanks for the suggestions.
you guys rock.