Kevin ,
Your song has some very nice elements in it …
Your voice reminds me of Roger Daltry in places .
Love the Organ playing
very progressive floating over the top when it plays .(nice chops )
Yeah, I like the overall vibe of the song , it has a Classic Rock sound mixed in with a Southern Rock type of thing going on . Dual Lead guitars Yeah …
It must have been tough coming up with all this …Dan made some good points ..
I dug it for what it was …a good listen 
all the best ,
Kenny, thanks so much for giving the tune a listen, I appreciate your time and ears. On a side note, I've been giving your "Advanced Guitar Made Easy" videos quite a bit of time. I love your playing, but I so appreciate your willingness to share what you know, great stuff!
I know the arrangement has its issues, primarily in the performance, but also in the structure itself. My abilities progress apace but they generally don't keep up with the music I want to create, so in the end, for me a song is compromise between what I want it to be and what I can actually pull off. This song is a great example of that principle more than most of the others I've worked up, but I know it's lacking in ways that I don't quite understand how to address yet. Climbing onto the shoulders of Sonar takes me a lot farther than I would have believed possible, but the feedback from guys like you is what helps the most.
The only bits I've actually performed here are the guitars, bass and vocals. The drums are judicious selection and alteration of drum patterns in various AD midi packs. The keys are not played in real time, they are either played and heavily edited, or completely created via point and click in the PRV. Sonar's sequencer thanks you for the compliment on its chops.
Thanks again!