Hi Laura ,
I've been trying to get over here for days …
I heard the first version the night you posted it and I think your second version w the Med setting works much better.
I've actually listened to your song about 4 or 5 different times and I'm happy that today I didn't have to fight the clock to squeze a post in .
I'm one of these type of people that does not do a wham bam that was a "nice tune" post in a thread .
Also I enjoyed your song the most today
I had made the time to listen it with out any distractions .
I like to try to get in the artist's head and heart to try to hear a song from the artists point of view before I come to my own conclusions …
Well, I feel you are a very unique and creative person
There is something about you and your music that draws me in …
It could be a combination of things …your voice , the easy going way you play the guitar . It may be the off beat way you come up with lyrics that offer a different slant or perspective on a story …
All I know is every time I hear you voice it has a calming effect on me …
At this point I'm not even gonna try to figure it all out …I did dig your song a lot ..ruff places and all .
I'm happy you have decided to start posting here on this section of the forum …
I think you show a lot of potential and I feel you bring a lot to the table …
The only other thing I have to say is I hope I don't have to arm wrestle with Kevin to become a member of the cult
You go girl ! I'm a fan …
all the best ,