I'm actually heading the opposite direction and switching back to a desktop. Shopping right now for a cheap one.
I work entirely in the box. I bought this for mobility, but I can count the times my laptop has left my house on one hand. In 5 years. By the time I bring an audio interface, whatever monitoring equipment I need, a mini keyboard, and maybe a guitar, it's not like I'm all that mobile anyway. I work mostly as a composer for media, so your needs may not be the same as mine.
Also an annoyance - you have to make sure your laptop has a very,
very quiet fan, or no fan at all. Because there's no way to get away from that fan, and almost no way to upgrade/replace it. Beware.
I might pick up a cheap laptop if I need to do edits on the go or something, but for the main machine I don't see the value. The tradeoffs in price, ergonomics, power, and upgradeability just aren't worth it.
YMMV, of course.