I've never had any luck upgrading hardware without a clean install of Windows. I've been building PCs since Win 95/98.
Last time, I even tried using the Microsoft sysprep method of moving Windows 7 Pro to a new motherboard.
https://technet.microsoft...cc721940(v=ws.10).aspx What is Sysprep?
The System Preparation (Sysprep) tool prepares an installation of Windows for duplication, auditing, and customer delivery. Duplication, also called imaging, enables you to capture a customized Windows image that you can reuse throughout an organization.
It failed, apparently because the Win 7 version I had installed was pre-SP1, with SP-1 applied after original install. That turned out to be unsupported for sysprep. A couple of days wasted and I still had to clean install.
That brings up probably the greatest new feature in Windows 10. It has a new Windows hardware abstraction layer that allows hardware changes without even blinking. I have heard several recent success stories of motherboard swaps that went without a hitch!