Lasse. Thanks for the listen and for your comments. I am in the process of making some adjustments to this number (see comment below) and have made some tweeks to the drums. I haven't made any money from my songs but I sure do have a good time making them. Thanks again.
Kenny. Thank you very much for your kind comments. Mixing is definitely not my strong suit. I have learned a tremendous amount since participating on this forum and I appreciate the friendly help that I have received from all those that have commented -- now and the past several years. I have the most fun trying to mix up the two or three genres that are my favourites and with which I am most comfortable. Once in a while it might just work. You might also find, as do I, that every once in a while you have to wander off into a place that is not comfortable and that is fun also. Thanks again Kenny, I appreciate it.
Scotty. I am very glad that you liked it and thanks for listening.
Thank you
Bapu!! A good rhythmic number is absoflippinlutely nothing if it doesn't have that bass to push it along. Can I get an Amen!!!!
James and thank you very much. I have been having a heck-uv-a time with trying to correct the vocals (see comments below) but I am trying. I'll probably have to re-record them. Thanks for the listen and for commenting.
Bob. The dust jacket art (or whatever it is called) has mostly been obtained from on-line (e.g., google images, creative commons sites, etc.). I am using Adobe Photoshop Essentials to do the framing, titling, etc. Thanks for listening and commenting.
Lynn and thank you for the very kind comments. I very much appreciate it. BTW you have really posted a great number --- well done. I really like it!
A Comment From Freddy:
As suggested above, I have made a few tweeks to the drums, balance, etc. However, I have been driving myself crazy with the vocals. You all are very good!! I did not catch the delay/echo/reverb on the vocal until I found the working file and isolated the vocal track. I was pretty sure that I did not add any of this effect and sure enough I did not. I normally make notes on any major effect that I use and there were none. I didn't use any VST plug-in effects nor did I use my trusty Boss delay pedal. Sooo --- I am not sure what is going on. I have tried several things to get rid of it (e.g., EQ, putting on a delay FX, etc.) and nothing has worked (any ideas would be appreciated).
Soooo - The only thing that I can think of is to re-record the track. This is not a big thing except for one annoying problem. This is allergy season in Florida. I have a pollen allergy to Oak and every single variety of Oak in the entire Tampa Bay area is loaded with little pollen pods. It will be a few more weeks before I get my voice back enough that I can try re-recording the vocals.
This is a long way of telling you that I am not ignoring your suggestions. I am just delayed at present.