I used this chart for panning - http://www.shanescott.com/orchestra-panning-guide-for-producers-and-mix-engineers/#.Vth2VZMrJZ0
I'm not in front of the project at the moment so I'll go back and make sure I did everything correctly. My intention is to pan the French Horn left at about 25%, Trumpets Right 9%, Trombones Right about 25%. I'm pretty sure that I didn't pan anything more than 82%.
But as I'm writing this... I'm wondering if the EWQL engine had the instruments panned and then I panned them additionally in Sonar. I'll go back and take another look later today. What do you think about the reference chart? Does that look right to you guys?
I'd ask the question a different way: Have you added any basses and cellos? If so, then it's an EQ problem. If not, well, you have your answer. 
Yeah - that's kind of what I meant. There are basses and cellos, but would you suggest that I just increase the volume of those instruments or put an EQ on the master bus?
I try to avoid EQ on the master until I am finalizing a mix. I'd say you may need to revisit the tracks that represent your low/low mid notes and check their levels. Also check any EQ on those tracks to ensure you aren't filtering out any frequencies you should be keeping.
To me, it's a mix problem that a simple EQ on the master isn't going to fix.
As far as the most recent comment from Mark,
that can certainly be addressed at the mastering stage. I would not suggest trying to brighten those tracks too much or you will end up with a very brittle-sounding mix once you get to the mastering stage.