I've just posted a new mix of
Got To Go Away to soundcloud.
Based on suggestions from the forum, I have:
>Raised the low and low-mids in the overall EQ
>Raised the kick. I also change the beater to something with a bit more "pop".
>Raised the snare, and also made the sound more "snarey" and less "tommy".
>Lowered the crashes and rides.
>Lowered the toms.
>Brought up the bass guitar.
>Changed the sax synth from TTS-1 to DimensionPro tenor. Also brought up the sax delay.
>Took a little compression off the backing vocals to let more dynamics come through.
>I left the repetitious ending (3:50 to end) alone. Sometimes I like it (the feeling of moving on), and sometimes I don't (boring).
Critiques welcome. Did I go too far with something? Didn't go far enough? Let me know!