2015/11/25 13:49:02
Hi Craig, Bakers & VS-700 community,
Rapture Session or ZETA 2.2 kills the VS-700 ASIO driver - not being any longer available/usable on the PC.
Did anyone else run into the same issue?
@Craig/Bakers : Will there be a fix (hotfix)? Could anyone pls take a look and find out what happens here?
Thanks and hope to hear back from you soon,
Starfield :-(:-(:-(
2015/11/25 18:57:45
Doktor Avalanche
An app really can't 'kill' a driver unless it ships with a driver that may conflict with it. Neither of the apps you quote do.

What apps is the driver not working?
OS? (Sorry can't see your sig).
You are saying the driver no longer appears across the board? Have you tried reinstalling it?

Are you running ASIO4ALL ? (If so uninstall).

Or are you actually saying if you run rap pro (or Z3TA+2) they will work, but no other applications will make a sound (which case they are locking the driver not killing it).

2015/11/26 07:13:23
I should have been more precise in my description ... it is really LOCKING the driver, effect is the same as killing :-), since no longer usable with any DAW/SoftSynth, etc. application.
As soon as I start Rapture Session OR ZETA 2.2 the VS-100 ASIO driver (Win10 patch, ver 2.02 of Roland ASIO driver) and switch to the VS-700 device the driver & device is locked for any apps using ASIO. I still have sound from OS (e.g. Win sounds or Media Player), BUT all "Music" applications tell me that the VS-700 device is no longer connected to the PC. The VS-700 Editor and ASIO Tool still work.
The only way to get it working again is a re-install (Win 10 patch with driver signature off, etc.).
As long as I do not use Rapture Session or ZETA 2.2 everything works fine. Looks like both are having issues with assigning the outputs OR more likely switching to 96kHz/24bit. Previous versions showed a warning message and switched the sample rate after that, without locking the driver.
So bakers looking into this would be much appreciated. And I hope the above helps identifieng the root cause of the issue. VS-700 should still be seen as a Cakewalk product somehow ... I do not want go down the road about Roland & Win10 support ... At least NEW Cakewalk products or versions should not add to killing the VS-700 usability ;-)
Cheers and thanks ...
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