Just reading through everyone's comments, I think we can all agree that Sonar would benefit overall from a "batch command system". Since people have mentioned several different unique approaches to where a batch function might be useful, having a batch command function in general could open the doors to a number of things we might want to gain access to.
Potential batch-accessible commands:
- Conditional multi-export: export > Audio and perform render tasks in more ways that just "entire mix" "Buses" or "tracks" options currently available in a single render dialogue.*
- Meta-driven batch clip export: intelligent exporting of individual clips, with options for exporting the clip "in place" and/or with downstream mix options (follow-to-bus or follow-to-master). Clip naming would be identified by it's track name and/or #, Nearest marker preceding it, and increment # based on previous clip in the same track (or within a region identified by the most recent marker).
- Track creation by take-lanes: Mostly for sound-designers who iterate record passes or FX. This option could allow users to "explode take lanes to independent tracks". increment the name of the track based on it's take-lane #.