What a pleasure to get to read along with the score as I listen, thank you! (Next time include bar numbers! :-))
Much too thick on the reverb for the wind intro, and maybe a bit much for all of it, hard to hear some of the counterpoint.
This is a nice piece. I assume it's part of a bigger work, so I'm not going to make an issue out of the fact that it just sort of stops dead at the end. Also, I don't think the pizz is motivated enough. My initial reaction to the pizz was "huh? how come?". Early in the choral section I would make a couple restatements of the theme a little more obvious so we can latch onto it. I started to type that you weren't developing the theme enough, but when I listened a second time I realized you were, but it was hard to make out.
My other thought was that for all the activity in the chorus, there's not a lot of harmonic movement, and what there is occasionally feels unmotivated. The switch to minor at bar -- oops, at 2:22 -- is nice, but again feels a bit out of the blue.
A fun way to spend part of my Saturday morning, thanks!