I really like your style. This production is so good. Love the song and mix.
On my system, running it through speakers and my ATH M50's, I think the bass is too hot.
Love the kick level. I think the bass is overpowering the vocals.
Isn't it funny how we all hear stuff differently?
All the best,
I think what I'm reading is that the bass is sitting in the low mid frequencies, to mid frequencies more so than what we would traditionally (in the modern era) expect. I'd suggest cloning the bass track, lowering the original and EQing the cloned track to enhance the lower frequencies. You could also try the trick Craig Anderton posted about a few weeks ago, transposing the cloned track down an octave and blending that deeper bass sound into the mix.
Personally, I think it sounds fine the way it is, but I can understand some of these other comments regarding the bass.