NOTE- If you listened before you might need to refresh your browser to hear the new mix.
Kakku- Thank you for listening.
Grizzlylip- Thanks man! I appreciate your comments, although I'm sure you can do what you set out to do, all the best! Thanks for listening! I discovered I didn't have my monitors adjusted correctly in my studio. My bass was hyped, so I was pulling it down..for this genre the bass usually isn't too overt, but it was on the puny side. I adjusted the bass, added a shaker part and a pad part in sections. Thanks for the listen.
Kakku- Done!
Dan- Thanks for lending your ears. I boosted the bass in the mix.
Lynn- Thanks ! I took your advice...bass is increased and adjusted. Hopefully in the pocket a little better this time.I am taking fiddle lessons...hope to be using it in a song soon!