• Songs
  • First Collaboration - House of the Rising Sun (p.2)
2016/01/03 12:53:18
Jesse Screed
Nice build up at the intro.
Very dark, the way to presented the vocals.   Nice, deep, ...really like the vocal and guitar blend at 1:59.  That is a trick I want to learn.
Then at 2:40, when you let loose on the vocals, rip it!!!.  The piano droning away just underneath everything else, mixed well.
To me, the vocals are the best part, because considering who you made this with, everything else would be expected to be clean, tight, and tasty.
Q. Screed
2016/01/03 16:53:06
Sure makes me want to visit The Big Easy 
2016/01/03 17:35:23
Nice Job Guys, my only crits would be the vocals at 2:40 the vocal processing gets irritating there`s no mid in it , so on my sennheisers it sounds shrill JMPO everything else I like , I might have opened the drums a little wider with reverb tails on the outer edges to really open them up but that`s just personal preference.
2016/01/04 11:16:05
Thanks Larry for allowing me to participate in this one!
Thanks everyone for listening and the great comments!
2016/01/04 11:39:14
Interesting interpretation, what did you do to Reece to get his growl going.
Nice job all round guys thanks for sharing.
2016/01/04 13:07:55
Thanks Larry for allowing me to participate in this one!
Thanks everyone for listening and the great comments!

Thank YOU for doing the vocals!
2016/01/04 13:09:12
Interesting interpretation, what did you do to Reece to get his growl going.
Nice job all round guys thanks for sharing.

Thanx Wookie!

I have no idea...but I sure like it!
2016/01/04 15:32:27
Yeah, that was a different version!   Cool and dark, like a New Orleans cellar... if one existed.  
I actually liked the saturation on the vocal, though it does thin out a bit when Reece goes up in range.   Me thinks y'all done well with a classic. 
2016/01/04 15:40:16
Well ,that sure was an interesting listen
I think it's Great that you 3 high profile forum members got together and decided to do a song collab .
I like it , there is a lot of emotional impact throughout the song as it played and Mr Beagle apparently put a lot of sizzle in his Vocal delivery ...
I must say , You guys played the song with Balls 
nice job fellas ,
2016/01/04 16:33:12
I must say , You guys played the song with Balls 

Here are my balls:

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