Jesse: Thanks for the feedback and the listen. That was Tom's idea about using the cord unplug at the end. Haven't heard the Bryan Ferry reference before but Tom is very chameleon like with his vox so I hear different influences over different songs.
Wookiee: Thanks for listening and the kind words, happy holidays to you as well!
Rim: Thanks for taking the time to listen and for the great, specific feedback. Tom apparently took this to heart as he posted a new version. I still have to check that one out. Thanks for lending us your great ears!
Reece: Thanks for the kind comments and for listening. Hope things are well with you.
James: Thanks for giving this one a spin and for all your support past and present. We'll soon have enough tunes for a new CD so you can be assured that you'll have this one to check out whenever the mood strikes.
Tom: Thanks for listening and for your good crit and comments. Yep, definitely was going for the vox with heavy reverb although that can be tricky and not to everyone's taste. In the past we have gotten comments about the vox being to dry. Tom used a little heavier reverb on our tune, Back in your Cage and I loved it so I encouraged him to use more reverb on his vox. Love the comment on the skanky groove. I couldn't quite put my finger on a good descriptive word for it but skanky does seem to fit the bill, LOL!!
Stringjammer: Thanks for the kind comments and for listening. Danny Joe Brown, RIP, great vocalist. I love hearing what other people hear in Tom's vocals. Now if I could channel up some swampy guitar licks, maybe we could give that Hatchet vibe a whirl, LOL!!
Jude77: Thanks man, very kind words and we appreciate the listen. Hope all is well in your world.
Dan: Thanks for checking us out and for the great comments. Vox and bass are often times hard to hear. I think that has something to do with the fact that Tom does both of those and the mixing too. Preston usually asks for the bass to be more prominent and I like the vox up some. Always a work in progress.