String Jammer
Good job overall. the cymbals during the chorus were a bit harsh but otherwise nice mix.
Not bad mayte. I think the lead vocal could use a bigger treatment to make it work against the wall-of-sound guitars in the hook, but it's all personal taste. BGV's are nicely placed.
Nice mix. Well balanced and positioned. I agree with James, I might just make the LV a little bigger on the pre-chorus and chorus so as to not be over-powered by the wall of guitars. Really well done.
Thanks for the positive comments.
I wasn't really sure if I did a passable job since I had never heard the song before and it was literally 59 tracks of audio.
I'm going to set a goal to give the mix a one hour make over based on the dual suggestion of the LV on the pre/chorus. And I will look/listen closer to the cymbals which could also be affecting the LV.
I'm contemplating offering my mixing skills on a local basis (craigslist) and this opportunity came at just the right time.