On September 29, 2017 Mr. Ed Kokol (Bapu) (aka "Just Another Bloke" & BeyondmyDaw.com) soiled yet another thread of mine -- this time the thread featuring my song "Stories To Tell". At that time, after practically begging him to leave me alone I finally posted my thoughts on his musical abilities, such as they are. (I don't post in his threads or usually not in those of his jesters.) To whit: Mr. Ed!
I'm posting this in the last post I made so as not to bump up the thread. I have no interest in you Mr. Ed other than keeping you out of my threads.
I don't comment in your threads and up until now I've never commented on your abilities. But since you keep pushing me so hey, let's play:
1) Your bass playing is
banal. I'm not a bass player per se but my lines are more interesting than yours. You're average at best. When I first heard your playing I could tell that you don't think like a bassist. (Case in point: the recent song "Believe" by smallstonesfan in which you played bass. The bass adds nothing -- the tone sounds like wood blocks and there is absolutely no fluidity or FUNKINESS in the playing. That song cries out for funk and you deliver nothing.). (You wouldn't stand a chance as a session musician here in nyc or Nashville -- in fact, the thought is laughable). In your hands ALEMBIC=ANEMIC;
2) Your singing sounds like every geezer who has tried to sing rock or pop but can't. Barely in tune with a croaking overlay (even with your lathering on of autotune). No range, unpleasant tone and very little phrasing ability -- a bad voice. Below average at best. (I've made a living singing standards & top40 in hotels, lounges, etc. for years (playing guitar & piano.) so I have some critical judgment on this.
3) Your songs are unmelodic and average. Your lyrics never make use of metaphor, inner rhyme or anything that is beyond the ability of a kid learning to write and play guitar. Same with your melodies. Average at the very best.
4) Do you honestly think that so many people on this forum have you play or sing on their music because you're the best for the job? Of course not. People who've been around for a bit quickly realize that you and your CH buds pretty much control the songs (and CH) forums by virtue of
constant posting. If someone -- like me -- fails to kiss up to you (to get your obligatory
Noice! comment -- big deal) then they're not on the team. Once on the team -- like getting you to plunk some low notes for them -- they're assured that they'll receive good comments and lots of views from you, your buds and most of the newbies who quickly get the gist.
I've asked you many times to stay out of my threads. You refuse. I only post in threads where there is something I like. I don't post snark.
Okay, I'm sick of punching down...
ON A LATER NOTE: Not one person -- not even Dymme, Steryl69, Synkophant or F'ing -- came to the defense of Mr. Ed -- no one called me out on this post & not one person argued that Mr. Ed was misrepresented in this post.