Russ - thanks! My "normal style of prog" huh... well, I will certainly take that as a compliment!
Jesse - thank you! The bass is just me, played on a cheap Sam Ash special I bought years ago livened up with a CA-X FX Chain. The intro is four tracks of mic'd acoustic guitar in four different ranges/positions. The leads were probably my favorite part to play though.
Reece - thanks! Always appreciate a Howe reference! The intro was my poor man's attempt at creating a bit of that acoustic/vachalia thing he used to do.
And the electric parts, yeah, they're mostly clean-ish which I guess was also a sub-conscious nod in that direction.
Tom - thanks! Now I'm going to have to look up The Samples.
Furry one - thanks! Glad you liked it!
Tony - thank you! Once again I appreciate the Howe/Yes references (my favorites growing up) and am glad you liked the mix too.
Antti - thanks! Yes, this was definitely meant to be a major key "happy" song even with the prog-ish bits so I'm glad that comes across.
Allan - thanks! I'm happy to know things are working. I'll have to go back and listen for those drum hits, though it's possible the "drummer" was just laying back a bit. Yeah, that's the ticket.
I'm not sure what "Castles of Sand" is though? (PS... love the avatar).
Almost forgot... second mix is up, with some minor drum tweaks and a bit more reverb as per comments above. Oh, and I've posted the lyrics in the OP as requested by Daryl. Just don't ask for the hidden meaning.