Many of you will remember me from a few years back and I've done a bit of posting recently. Finally getting my debut album released soon so i've done a little video trailer for it. Not too happy with what Lightworks/YouTube has done to the audio but oh well.
It's extreme metal and so not for most of you but hey, it's all been recorded in Sonar (earliest ones in 8.5, then X2/3, some touch ups in SPLat and then mastered in Wavelab Elements). All the guitars are amp sims, generally Ni GR 4 or LePou Legion except for one song which was mic'd, bass amp sim is GR4 or Ampeg SVT, drums are Steven Slate. Lots of the synths on the album are CW, either Z3ta+ or Rapture.
Album is called 'Philistine' and there are three songs (Philistine, Goliath, Samson Agonistes) about that biblical culture. So stills in the vid are based on that theme. The background vid is downloaded from NASA's page.
I plan on doing a full song video soon.