Hi Antti, as promised I finally got around to listening to the other track you posted a link to...sorry it a couple of extra days...working on mixes, filming video art and writing thesis...so I have a few things going.
Ok the mix is pretty good, again I'm just using laptop speakers, which are excellent for judging mixes because if a mix sounds fine on crap speakers...the mix tends to transfer. The crash cym needs a little work, try rolling off some of the top end and have a look to see if it's peaking in the mids because it's a bit harsh. Or just lower the gain.
Again like the last track you need to find a wow moment to elevate this sort of genre above the others who make music like this...you call my music eccentric but my stuff always has something going on because I'm always trying to hook the listener...which tends to be only me lol.
Maybe when your working on your next track, rather than reach for what you know...just reach for something new. Also try writing and mixing in automatic mode...this is don't think about what your doing...let the track guide you. If that makes sense. Think like a painter.