I like your work, Amine. And those 3 did sound like a lot of work.
FWIW, I had the same initial response to the kick.
Then I remembered having the same response to Lindsey Stirling's eponymous CD, and being surprised and disappointed that the style/genre of the songs on the CD was different than the web videos. [Fortunately, for me, the CD included 3 "orchestral" versions.] Then I remembered that I'm 64, and I neither understand well enough nor write for your "demographic."
Doesn't mean that I can't like your music. It does mean that I've got to be more accepting and treat such things as learning opportunities.
Also FWIW, I had REAL trouble practicing what I preach re modern Country Western. Lots of peeps love CW. Then again, lots of peeps love McDonald's.
But I worked at it. I get it now. It's BACKING music for the Blue Collar Comedy Tour, and the...oops, oh wait, no politics!
So, please feel free to ignore my "kick" concerns.