Kakku, you're awesome. Thanks for being sorry about my ear. I'm sorry about my ear too.
As far as self confidence goes, I'm not sure if others would call it that.
Just so you know, I came to the conclusion that I will never be a virtuoso on any instrument. I'll never be able to sing like the recognized top vocalists, all I can ever do is make the music I can make. If I try to be like anyone else I would never write any music, and it would be futile.
Besides, this is the internet. It is a community, and it is a collection of dingbats, angels, attitudes, devils, nightingales, and misfits. I give credit to anyone who can fire up a daw and coax anything out of it. Sure, it might not be my cup of tea, but just the fact that someone had the desire to express themselves in there own special way means a lot to me.
Now, in the sonar song forum I would venture to guess that I am considered a noob. Here I come, from nowhere, and bombard the place with my own little shtick, and it makes a little bit of an impression, but since post count matters, it looks like I'll be a noob for a long time. There are people around here that have established strong bonds over many years, and they use this as a place to meet and share. I wonder if you could say that 10% of the forum members make 90% of the posts, and the other 90% make the other 10%. There is nothing wrong with that, in fact it is great, it is those people that add character and personality to a place, they also establish unspoken norms and practices which create cohesiveness.
I don't know how long I'll be around these parts, but humans need connections, even the odd ones, so I come here because right now this is the only place I know to go. I want to make music for as long as I am able. I want to squeeze it all out of myself, and I like to play with sonar, and I like to experiment, and I can only learn so much, but dang, I got to do something besides sit in my basement diddling away at the six string and keyboard, so I create an imaginary world where I am an Artiste', and I make stuff. Sure, some of it is duds, but everyone has duds, and when the community gets tired of my shtick, they will stop listening and stop responding, or I will pass away into another imaginary world.
So it really isn't self confidence, this is a playground. Sometimes the kid with the ball lets you play the game too, and sometimes they inadvertently shoo you away, and sometimes you have to have the moxie to buck up and stick to it, but as of now I love everybody around here, and i know they love me too, and they love my music.

These are my only friends in the whole world, and I don't even hardly know them.
Jesse Q. Screed
edited to add a "t" and dot an "i"