Either the settings are the same is plug-in dependent. There is no standards for saving settings and there are "black box" for DAWs.
That should not really matter. I just meant that there would not be any difference for any individual synth. For example, parameter settings that were saved and stored within the cwp file for Dimension Pro DXi could be applied to Dimension Pro VSTi when it is loaded as a replacement.
Either that matters or not is relatively easy to check... I do not have DXi and VSTi versions of some plug-in, but you can check yourself.
In the Cakewalk Plug-in manager (Utilities menu) export 2 SPP files, one from DSi and one from VSTi, with single what you think equivalent preset (I know you can not make presets absolutely identical, there are too many parameters, but may be there are some factory presets which should be the same...). Now compare these 2 binary files. If your theory is true, apart from some bytes at the beginning they should be equivalent.
If you find them more or less equivalent, next step will be conversation from one SPP to another. I can try to do this (if you upload both files somewhere). If after importing converted DXi preset VSTi version will be able to load it, than you are right, at least for that plug-in.
The next step will then be hacking CWP files or convince CW to do this. With the proof it is possible with SPP, CW can not answer like me in my first reply.
But I am skeptical at the moment