kennywtelejazzBassDaddykennywtelejazzI have been known to use Nectar Elements on my Guitar parts ...This tune right here that I just did tonight has Nectar Elements on my Lead playing. KennyHe's at it again! The Mangulator breaking new wind... I mean new ground.The audience that was present at the Mangulator's home studio for his newest recording ... Kenny
BassDaddykennywtelejazzI have been known to use Nectar Elements on my Guitar parts ...This tune right here that I just did tonight has Nectar Elements on my Lead playing. KennyHe's at it again! The Mangulator breaking new wind... I mean new ground.
kennywtelejazzI have been known to use Nectar Elements on my Guitar parts ...This tune right here that I just did tonight has Nectar Elements on my Lead playing. Kenny
BassDaddyI sent iZotope an email asking if you can upgrade to Ozone or Ozone advanced using the Ozone Elements in the Elements bundle. I will post it when the answer comes.