I have written that I think Python is not the best solution here and I have bound Lua as a scripting language for MIDI processing in Sonar (since it is unclear when other approaches are going to be supported).
You write that you disagree, Python is indeed could be good at that place, you have experience in binding it. And then putting Cakewalk cap back on you write that... nothing will happened
I will try to translate very old Russian joke, from Soviet Union times. To understand it, "Soviet" in Russian has the meaning "advise":
A: - Hello B, where can I buy a cow?
B: - I have no idea, but I can give you a good advise ("Sovjet")...
A: - Sorry, but I do not need an advise, I need a cow.
B: - We are living in a country of advises, not in a country of cows!