I use H, Track Manager, to select and show/hide tracks all the time. That's a great control.

Even if I've hidden tracks I'm not using presently, I still can get too many tracks to conveniently look at in the Console View.

It would be neat if I could open up a folder in Console View to look at my guitar tracks, and then collapse the folder like in Track View.

Then in Console View I could open say a folder of keyboard tracks and look at those for mixing.

I'd just like to have less left to right scrolling in the Console View (I already use narrow strips).

I also like to see the buses, so screen real estate gets taken up.

That's why expand / collapse Track Folders as an option in Console View would be useful to me.
+1 definitely.
Not sure how to vote, though.
I think you click on the star in the OP where you'd rate the request.
+1 definitely.
Not sure how to vote, though.

If your on the mobile version, you won't see how to vote. So if you only ever look at this forum on a mobile device you wouldn't know that the option to vote would be there.

In the regular version of the forum there is a thumbs up/down on the right side of each post in the thread. So you can vote on the original idea AND the follow up posts too!! It's really sweet.

Lets the devs know what we really think!!
I know there are probably a dozen requests for this already but being able to sort Console Strips into folders that can be collapsed/expanded with one click would be a massive improvement. Even if we just start with tying Console View strips to folders created in the Track View. It is really quite problematic scrolling through reams of strips (like the outputs of a synth like AD2) all the time and using the Track Manager or the other options to show/hide strips isn't very practical.
Very simple. If the track is in a folder in the Track View it has a button in the Console to collapse it along with all tracks in the same folder. They collapse into a little strip with a button to expand it and maybe some simple data/controls just like TV folders.
Ideally I'd like to see it customizable independent of the Track View (but by default linked to the TV). However just being able to show/hide stuff like we do in the TV within the CV would be great.
Just posting this because I think there are many others who want this and I know the Bakers poke around here looking for stuff to twiddle with.
there is at least one other request.
Cool. Just wanted to make sure this need was still in view of the Bakers.
I tried to vote 5 twice, but I couldn't.  I guess I need a dozen or so forum IDs  :)
My reference is how it's made in Reaper - any track folder also have a bus integrated to use or not if you want(children can send to parent or not).
And the same is available in console/mixer view - expand/collapse in place - the folder bus is there too.
And since track folders also are allowed inside another folder, nested - you can get really well organized.
In principle having top level of tracks be as 8-10 stems, or so.
Current routing become pretty much like spaghetti for larger projects. You can do everything you want, just about, but keeping it organized is not so easy.
Maybe nested folders is a biggy, but on first level getting track folder in console - what a boost...
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