so you are really saying you are some kind of "Big Boy"? and that I care if you call me out? or that you are round about-ly calling me names? or are you saying that I'm like say.. John Lennon? what are you saying? ;)
Oh! you are just twisting what I said again... I get it now! you think that my reply to bapu or whatever was some kind of cowardly act to defend myself from some other random post... so yea, that would be a no... I was just pointing out another way to expand ones mind into new artistic areas and be able to help more people... maybe bapu could explain for himself?
Dood, I don't think you even comprehend what YOU are saying half the time. Maybe you shouldn't hurt your brain trying too hard figure out complex things like the words of semi lucid individuals.
So I RELUCTANTLY gave your "Molly" track a listen (I thought "Hey... maybe this guy IS a musical/production genius who just has personality issues which is not unheard of).
It wasn't COMPLETELY without merit but I seriously do not think you have the skill or talent at this point to crap all over the CHC tunes as if you are some kind of authority.
To me it was run of the mill stoner rock that went out of style 20+ years ago with trite, predictable and borderline misogynistic lyrics.
The production values are non existent. It sounds like a really poorly produced basement demo from guys who rented a 4 track cassette unit for a weekend and had no idea about mic placement or rudimentary EQing/FX. Tons of noise and frequency masking, bad levels, saturated with bad reverb, etc.
Your singing is more akin to "talking" in a raspy voice and attempting to occasionally change pitch but missing the tone/beat when you do.
Your guitar playing is sloppy/lazy and reminiscent of bad Kurt Cobain jam out solos. You do not move away from what I can only assume you think is the "coolest scale EVAR". There is no attempt at proper phrasing or moving with the harmony or even mixing things up a bit to create "movement". The rhythm guits and bass are completely washed out by this attempt at a lead track and the poor EQ/mic'ing job. There are missed/bad notes all over the place.
The drums are also completely washed out with absolutely no punch or attack suggesting a lack of understanding about compression techniques and AGAIN poor EQing/mic'ing.
Some of the CHC tracks aren't "PERFECT" but working with my ole pal Baps over the years I know that is NOT his main goal. He simply enjoys doing it... as does everyone else involved.
HOWEVER he, nor anyone involved in the CHC, run around claiming arrogant musical/production superiority and DEFINITELY do not go around insulting/slamming other people's work.
My point is that if "Molly" is your idea of some kind of creative masterpiece that gives you license to slag the CHC (or anyone else's tracks) then you truly are delusional. The mixes, originality and performances in the CHC stuff is much higher quality than that slapped together pile of mush.
Normally I would NEVER be that brutal in regards to someone's music. I would offer advice and suggestions to get the artist closer to where they want to be because we ALL start somewhere (I have been involved in basement recordings similar to your tune back when I was a teenager).
Since you decided that because you made ONE post of ONE song and convinced yourself that that makes you an authority who can bash much more talented and experienced artists in a normally polite and respectful community (that I happen to care a GREAT deal about) well... you get the brutally honest version.
So might I suggest you "raze" YOUR bar at least a LITTLE bit before you start running around acting like Bob freaking Rock.
And now I've wasted enough time exposing you for the troll/fraud/nuisance you truly are.
I told you I would be watching.