Thank you for the response.
I'm well aware that SONAR allows a track to be expanded and collapsed to show all or none of its take lanes...but I use multiple take lanes within a track to compose and try out parts and, depending on changes I may make in other parts or the arrangement, I may need to revert to prior takes. So what you reference is not the middle ground that would make viewing and workflow more efficient, as I need true flexibility within a track so I can see each scenario below: a) only what I've not muted; b) all takes; or c) only what I've muted.
The same approach goes for different tracks that may be muted while I try out a part using a different softsynth or patch or want to work on a different section of a song.
It's all about onscreen real estate. Any way I can see more on the screen, and, in particular, more of what I need to see, the better.