I almost exclusively use track templates instead of inserting instruments and tracks the old fashion way. I also use folder to organize things, putting for example all guitars in one folder, all MIDI-tracks in one folder and so on.
Track templates are awesome, but IMO they don’t handle folders well.
If I for example load a track template in there's a MIDI-track inside a folder called ‘MIDI’ on save, this MIDI-track will (of course) be placed in a folder called ‘MIDI’ on load.
If I've worked for a while on a project, I will surely already have a folder called ‘MIDI’ in there. When loading this track template (described above) Sonar will create
a new doublet folder called ‘MIDI’, which only confuses things.
Suggestion:Wouldn’t it be better if track templates searched the project for existing folders to see if the names match the ones saved with the template? And if they find a match they could place the new tracks inside the already existing folder, instead of creating a doublet?