Hello Folks,
I don't feel the need to post very often, but I visit nearly everyday and I appriciate the tips, the personalities and the social drama this little corner on the web provides. I don't expect that will change with my decision to NOT install any update which includes this new analytics component. That's just my choice. Think of me however you may.
My user profile includes many of the traits that Noel has outlined earlier in this thread. I'm a gigging musician who has logged many hours as a recording engineer in a major music school while pursuing my music degree, recorded and produced three full length "albums" in the 90's in "pro" studios, and now spend most of my free time learning how to produce music ITB, which includes recording my own and my current band's music.
My other "pays the mortgage" job as a web developer and designer requires a familiarity and comfort with using and understanding analytics. It's part of my world and has been for many years, but this announcement has got to be one of the dumbest things I've heard in a long time. It's so stupid I can only chuckle and shrug my shoulders... "Oh well! Fool me once (Rapture Pro) but not again with this latest joke of an idea. I get it now."
Why does this bother me so much that I'm willing to say this on a public forum? Because I've been a customer since HS 6 and followed the upgrade path up to SPlat 2016 and I feel compelled to speak up as a person and and artist.
For example, imagine you are a person who paints and the person who provides you with art supplies, let's say your canvas', just informed you that these canvas' you enjoy so much now come with a camera that sits on your shoulder and watches you while you paint. Oh sure you can turn it off, but it's on when you sit down to paint, or it isn't if you turned it off. Wait, is it on or off? Did this latest update turn it back on? Cripes, where is that setting again?
My creativity is my private realm until I decide otherwise. There is no way I can support Cakewalk's development if this latest unnecessary feature is implemented.
(edited because the text didn't format correctly)