I hope you'll think through the analytics data you get. Other vendors have done the same thing, and the general conclusion (from my experience), that Analytics is excellent to understand usage, but is useless to determine features.
I few specifics: I wish notation worked well. I gave up on Sonar's notation a while ago and have switched to the PRV. Analytics would indicate that I don't use Notation and that it should not be enhanced. This is exactly the wrong conclusion.
I've seen other vendors switch to a voting system where user-proposals for enhancements are documented and voted on. I think I saw a note about something like that in an eZine a few months back.
I would suggest you focus on what your customers would like instead of what they do currently.
This is my concern. It's been raised a few times in this thread. I am also disappointed by the lack of movement with Staff View, and I also use PRV in general. Some of the ideas I have for using Staff View just don't happen. So Cakewalk will see that I don't use it, when it and more compositional tools such as some chord tool are exactly what I want Cake to invest time in.
I can only hope that as they pick up new customers that come to use staff, they will be able to see they struggle, that it's not intuitive, and in some cases give up. But for the existing users that have given up already, I can't see how it will know what areas they may have given up on already and in some cases use alternatives outside of Sonar to make up for the failing.
I would like to see more communication regards the feature request section of the forum, especially as so little seems to come to anything, that it makes me wonder why bother contributing.