Paul P
It does seem that Cakewalk is doing this for the clueless new users in the interests of making Sonar easier/simpler to learn and operate. That's ok in itself, but doesn't do much for experienced users. For these, problem reports and feature requests are probably more significant.
Cakewalk has made it clear that using analytics doesn't obviate their other methods of canvassing users. But perhaps more importantly, power users are the ones who push the system harder, and find bugs that new users would never find because they're just doing the basics. I think analytics would make it
much easier to fix the kinds of bugs that vex power users, especially because the power users may not have the time to really investigate a bug in order to submit steps to reproduce...but if analytics does that for you, then that would be tremendously helpful for troubleshooting.
Also, because of the rolling updates, with some features
everyone is a "new user" because they've never been exposed to that feature before. Being able to collect data on whether Cakewalk made the right decision or not regarding a new feature will be valuable feedback regarding future plans. For example enough people
seemed to like upsampling that Cakewalk improved the feature with real-time upsampling on playback. In the future those kinds of decisions can be based on hard facts regarding if and how people used a particular feature.