I have a Monster Pro 3500, their old flagship Power Center which I believe has been discontinued. I'm no fan of Monster Power the company (Their bullying business practices are fairly well-known).... the only reason I have the 3500 is I happened to be in a Circuit City store on their last day of business. An unboxed demo 3500 was on the clearance table, and had a $150 price tag (down from the original $400 or 500, I can't remember). I offered the manager $80, he accepted, and that was going on 5 years ago. (It's still under warranty!).
We don't get many power outages here, except during thunderstorms. When I hear the slightest rumble, I shut it off and unplug from the wall.
If I had to buy today, I'd probably get one of those Furman conditioners with a built-in UPS.