Ok - good news here, at least with a preliminary test. I got the PCR-800 working connected to my Surface Pro 3.
Before, when I'd plug in the USB cable, the display would come on, stay lit for about 5-10 seconds, go dim, then turn off. Install would not proceed to see the device plugged in, and then could not do anything with it because it wouldn't even power on.
So I used the above-linked advice and it's all seemingly working.
Now I have the driver installed successfully, and when running a cheap free midi sequencer I found (not installing Sonar on the Surface), it recorded and played back the recorded midi. I can only make assumptions about anything more than that, but I'm guessing it's good to go.
So, here is what I had to do to make it work: (disclaimer: do at your own risk - might not work, might blow up your system, could prevent you from making a living, might even turn your tongue green for all I know)...
Download and extract the drivers from the Rolnd site - I used the 8.0/8.1 set for the PCR-800
Go to the \files\64bit\files\rdif1027.inf file and edit it (assuming 64 bit - I imagine the 32 would be the same process)
At the [Manufacturer] line, change the next line to read:
At the [Roland.NTamd64.6.2] - change this to read:
Save this file
Now, go to Start and type Change Advanced startup options and run that selection
Under the Advanced Startup section, click Restart Now
When you get the "Choose an Option" Screen, select Troiubleshoot, then Advanced Options, then Startup Settings
Click Restart
You will get a menu of items to choose from - select the option "Disable driver signature enforcement"
Now, in my case, I went back to the INF file, right clicked it and chose install. It didn't work first time for me because I hadn't made one of those text file edits, but after I did, I went to the Device Manager, saw the PCR device in Other devices with a (!), so I selected Update Driver, browsed back to the INF folder and I was presented with the "Do you really want to install this driver" screen, to which I said yes.
Driver was then successfully installed.
Now - to get the guts to do this to my music PC! Not tonight, but maybe this weekend. I will update back here with my success or failure :)
Thanks for any help from the folks who have provided it - especially that last one from MackTheKnight