Alex von Elzer
Sorry for my ignorance, but why not use group manager?
Please do some research on VCA's or DCA's (same thing different tech) if it is still not apparent I will explain. Quickly though for one example groups as they exist currently in Sonar will not allow you to automate individual tracks inside the group without deselecting that track from the group(and no easy way to do that even )amongst other things groups are not the same as VCA/DCA's in that a VCA is really a way to remotely control the level of a channel or group of channels from a single fader Whereas a group is a place to send channels post-fader. Groups are useful for applying the same processing to a group of inputs VCA's are useful for mixing similar types of instruments
It's not uncommon for people to confuse VCAs and Groups or not fully understand their uses/functions Which is why I strongly suggest some due diligence in the research department before jumping into the conversation
Cheers, D