Thanks for your reply, Kenny!
Samplitude has a nice metering suite indeed. I have Sampltude Music Studio and find its metering outstanding. Pretty sure, bakers can come up with some great Metering View, hence the proposal: why don't we suggest design variants for the Cakewalk Metering Suite?
Hi Soundwise ,
I had Samplitude Music Studio , I was pretty happy with it enough to upgrade to Pro X2 .
OK here's a few pics ...Pro X2 and Music Studio pretty much share the same Metering .
on my pic I have a K-14 bottom right , then the visualization view is showing a few additional metering tools .
I know you know what all that is since you have it ....
I thought you may like to see the Mixbus 3 .1.66 metering ...the newest release .
I happen to love this metering bridge in the next pic ...
I have the track view open ( w only a few tracks ) and the metering bridge docked to the left ...
IMHO it tells me everything I need to know when I'm editing while in the track view .
Who knows , maybe Cakewalk can come up with a Light compact meter bridge " Cakewalk style " so we can edit audio while staying in track view and keep track of what is going on with all our levels during play back
In this pic I have the Mixing Console view open ...the aux buses aren't receiving anything ...
Had known I would be posting screen shots I would have dug out my external HD and fired up a tune w a bunch of tracks ...
for what we are talking about it , I feel it is not all that important ...
I left the meter bridge in the console view to show how easy it is to see the levels fast and uncluttered while a tune is playing
The Master on the far right before the monitoring section has a K -14 meter + a phase correlation meter above the K -14....
( there is other metering that it is included , it goes into demo mode , I could unlock once I purchase ...)
The monitor section to the right of the master is one of my favorite things about this program .....
I seriously considered starting a feature request here on the forum requesting a SONAR version of that
I'm sure some folks here know how versatile the monitor feature is because there are a number of hard core SONAR users that also use this program .
not to go too OT ....take a good look at what's in there
BTW that whole monitor section has just received the ability to run plugs totally independent of the mix ..
With out having them effect the mix ...As we all know that can be very useful ....
Soundwise , I have tried my best to stay on topic and not go all Rouge OT on you
it has been nice talking with you .
all the best ,