Scook, Thanks for the tip. And yes a new and bigger SDD drive would be great! Maybe I should have plunked down for that first but because I have a great 1TB D drive I didn't really think it would be and issue. I guess it has been so long since I've had a program install without the user input on where to install that it just didn't occur to me that I would 1)think that there would be an option setting for it and 2) that I would need to have to manually change a setting that I was unaware even existed.
The install screen on CC does not indicate anything except "Hey! Install!"
I mean really, when was the last time you installed a program that just predetermined the install location without at minimum allowing you to acknowledge the location before the install began???? Like back in Windows Maybe! LOL!
Anyway, again thank you for the tip. It just would have been nice to know before hand. Even just a small blurb about the verbose option on the CC splash screen . . .don't you think? :-]