What you have described workflow wise is pretty much how I have been "approaching it " when I go there midi ..
It seem a little counter-intuitive to have to clone everything ...not that I have a big problem with that ...
I figured as much but could not tell from the previous posts. Cloning the MID data is not really necessary, multiple tracks could be driven by a master MIDI track using a virtual MIDI cable.
Yeah, the FX chainer does not support MFX so for now the only solution is templates.
scook If you happen to feel up to it , I would like hear more about the virtual midi cable ..
...Great I spend two hours coming up with my own little set up using Midi effects on a midi track and then I find out I can't save it as a user defined Midi effects chain ...
I don't really have a need for the specifics of the OP, but this I can vote for!
Steve, Yes , I thought it was odd that I could not save my own user defined midi device effects chain ....
I had gotten so used to creating my own for audio in Splat I wasn't aware of that limitation over on the Midi side of Splat ...
that needs to be a feature request
I saw a professional engineer working on PT. He had a plugin that looked like GlossEQ. But in addition to this, he had a kind of solo function on each band. Then he could hear WHAT HE WAS ABOUT TO CUT. Perfect to isolate a noise that you don't want.
Sure that works great for audio
I'm looking to do that on the Midi end of things ....
more along the lines of being able to solo different octaves of a full spectrum / range midi performance ...
In an effort to simplify your workflow with existing tools, you might consider using take tracks for your bass, treble, melody parts after using the Midi Filter, (copy the filtered midi notes and place them in separate take tracks) this way you could move between the sections and either limit your edits to selected portion, or treat the entire track as a single entity.
[This could also be managed with MIDI patchpoint/aux feature requested elsewhere in this forum.]
For my 2 cents, I agree with you that live MIDI filtering that could be directed to distinct tracks or instruments would be useful. I envision easy keyboard splits and range-specific audio FX. But I think with the strengths of Sonar's current resources, both azslow3 and scook have given some very solid suggestions.
Finally, please let me know before swords are drawn so I can run away. I'm not very fast, and I need a head start.
Don't worry ricoskyl , I'm not looking to go all Kendo on you
I may need to look into that patch point feature request you mentioned ...
As far as simplifying my workflow goes ,
I placed a Win 10 64 lap top w Splat on my kitchen table w a 2i4 , a set of cans and monitors ...
Then I took all my other computers both Mac and PC and stuck them in the closet ..
Yeah , that's about as simple as I've ever gotten and I'm doing that to force myself to dig deeper ...
As far as contributing members , Yeah I'm here to learn from all ...Yet, "
it ain't only a one way street "
here's a little something I did in midi with my little humble SONAR woodshed rig ....
I want to be able to do more of this with an easier workflow when I work in MIDI Kenny