I'm not sure if W10 Pro gives you the control and flexibility over e.g. Windows updates that you think it does.
Even on Enterprise, the options are pathetic and horribly skewed against the user. Like I said, my dev machine has an Enterprise edition of W10 and the only option I really have is to defer the updates. M$ screwed my machine's network settings, see my post above. You can't chose whether or not you wish to receive updates; only 'how they are installed', i.e. does the OS reboot your system after installing them, or ask to you reboot. As for the defer option, all that does is delay the updates for a while then you get a flood of them.
If I'm missing something, then please let me know, but from where I'm sitting you have no choice over installing updates, whether on Pro or Enterprise. I think the goalposts are going to continue moving, and tbph, it fecking sucks.
[edit] W7 (Pro) still does give you a degree of control. I've a ton of pending updates on my main DAW machine (which will remain as a W7 box for all time methinks), but I'm not installing any of them until such time that I've checked each and every one of them out on t'interweb, because M$ are slipping bullsh*t nagware in under the auspices of being 'essential security/windows updates'.