I am currently working on a project where I'm creating and organizing a
lot of samples, and am getting bugged by the amount of clicking it takes to rename a clip. Click the clip -> go to inspector, -> click the name field -> rename. Then if I drag it to the browser to organize things, it still appends a unique number on the end that I have to remove to actually get the name I want.
One or more of the following could make this less cumbersome:
1) I could somehow access clip name with a single click or keybinding - a nice convention I've seen elsewhere in Windows is that alt-click lets you directly edit text fields like names. There are other things in the inspector I'd also love to access via shortcut, so this might be the preferred solution
2) I could scroll through files in the browser with arrow keys and rename them without using the mouse, like I can with tracks in the track view
Perhaps there's some way to do these things, in which I'd love to be enlightened.
Thanks for considering.