Some ideas to make Synth Rack a better place
1. Ability to drag synths with a mouse to rearrange the order.2. Display patch name next to synth name like this: EDIT: This may not work with non-CW synths, so instead of displaying Patch name it better have a name, synchronized with corresponding track, e.g. Rename Track1 -> Bass and this change is reflected in Synth Rack, and vice-versa. and shorten long synths' names automatically, like this:
EDIT: Synths with multi patches by default can have [Multi] next to the synth name. And this field needs to stay user editable.
3. Synth folders with ability to Mute, Solo, Freeze and Archive all synths contained within that folder.4. The best part!
Synth Chains that work like FX chains. That is users can add several single channel synths like RPro, RS, DPro etc., assign each to particular MIDI channel, create macro controllers for synths' parameters.