Paul P
I like to think of the Synth Rack as holding synths independant of what they might be connected to, just as if they were hardware synths. I like adding a synth to the Rack, then constructing and connecting any tracks to it as needed.
I see what you mean. My point is, if a synth is used for one instrument, we need to be able to find it in the rack easily, especially, if many soft-synths are used (granted, tracks are named properly). Syncing synth's and track's names can be very useful, if the synth is single program only, like Z3ta, RPro, etc.
Paul P
I know some people think of a track as a synth (when it's connected to one), in which case the track name might make sense to them, but I don't like it. The simplest solution is just let everyone decide how to label it in the Rack, as with tracks, but with no synching of labels.
Can't argue with this. But at least a synth in the rack needs to be highlighted somehow when corresponding track is selected.