Ok, Got the Rapture Pro upgrade sale, great price I thought why not. Ran the Cakewalk Command Center and installed without a problem. I have been having a problem opening Sonar Platinum (issue may be related) so have been using Sonar X3 Producer which I like so I kept it installed when I upgraded to Platinum. Opened Producer and the vst scan ran and showed the Rapture pro being scanned and it tells me there are no errors. When I open the insert synth drop-down menu Rapture Pro is not on the list ( neither is Rapture Session or Z3TA 2) or many other vst I know are installed and work in other programs. I have both the 64bit and 32bit versions installed. Also the standalone versions do not open (Z3TA 2 and Rapture Sessions do work standalone) I am beginning to suspect that the vst scan for sonar is wonky, it may the culprit that is crashing Platinum and maybe there is something that I need to do to get the scans to acknowledge the vst that are in the vst folder for Sonar.
Any ideas what could be causing this, anybody else having this problem.
I am running Windows 10 Pro 64 bit, Intel Core i5-4200 CPU @ 2.50, 8 GB Ram. Prosonus AudioBox USB or Guitar port on occasion