It's been almost a year and I've heard nothing about the bugs in Z3TA 2, v2.1 being addressed. Could someone from Cakewalk please respond?
Below are only the ones I've noticed, there may be more:
1. USER Waveshaper Waveform Bug - Some Waveshaping controls are applied too agressively to imported waveforms put in USER slots.
There is inconsistency with some of the Waveshaper controls between Imported wavs and the oscill.set wavs. Try this:
Dial in a wav on OSC1, e.g. Multi Triangle
Right click in the waveform display and "Reset all shapers".
Right click in the waveform display and "Save Wavetable As".
Set Drive to the halfway mark on OSC1.
Go to OSC2 and import the saved wave in USER1 slot
Copy & paste OSC1 settings to OSC2
You should see that they don't match - you have to back the drive off somewhat on OSC2 to get it to match OSC1. This happens with other waveshaper controls but not all, and the difference can be more extreme depending on the waveform and the number of shapers used.
Doing the side by side comparison as explained above the controls found to be in error were Warp, Twist, Drive, Offset, Wave, and Bit Red. The others seemed to work right.
2. Sync issues with Hosts - Any preset that uses sync in any of its parameters (LFO, ARP, etc.) is wonky when used within a project if that project is not stopped or started on the bar grid. I've also noticed the "stuck note" arp behavior in Cubase, and it happens if the project is stopped at a location off the tempo grid - if you snap the project back to grid the arp behaves normally. I think this is a general sync issue, as weirdness happens too with presets using synced LFOs and the project is stopped or started "off grid"
3. Import Preset Naming Bug - Preset names are cutoff when importing names over 26 characters long, this is worsened when using using Original Order since it adds 6 characters.
4. Arp Export - If you export (drag) an arp out to save it and then reload it, it loads and plays an octave higher.
Also, if you export at anything other than sync set to 1, the arp pattern is changed (smashed or chopped) when you bring it in again. I realize this can be corrected with the "Autofit Patterns to 1 Measure When Loaded" enabled, but something still feels weird about this behavior...maybe I need to think about it more.
5 Arp Drag - The Manual says "You can also drag a MIDI file to and from the Arpeggiator graph". From works, but To does not. (Least in Cubase 5.5 and Minhost 1.64)