Seth Kellogg [Cakewalk]pwalpwalfyi the steam version got updated yesterday, so don't give up hope just yet! That was just a STEAMWORKS update. I'm not at liberty to say what I can see on a developer's screen in the cube next to me.
pwalpwalfyi the steam version got updated yesterday, so don't give up hope just yet!
pwalpwalSeth Kellogg [Cakewalk]pwalpwalfyi the steam version got updated yesterday, so don't give up hope just yet! That was just a STEAMWORKS update. I'm not at liberty to say what I can see on a developer's screen in the cube next to me. are you at liberty now? enquiring minds want to know!
ampfixerZeta+2 does not show up in my command centre. Anyone know how to get it there? I bought it but now it seems MIA.