thanks for the update!
But it seems this bug hasnt been resolved
Cannot automate Z3ta 2.1 parameters in FL Studio unless i disable Joystick. As long as the joystick is enabled, you can't use the "browse parameters" function in FL Studio. The MIDI input display in FL Studio shows the joystick value all the time, it seems that there is constantly some kind of input which blocks access to other controls.You even cannot disable the joystick permanently. As soon as you close and reload a song in FL Studio, the joystick is enabled again. And now imagine using several instances of z3ta+. And appearently despite the effort 1 feature request was overlooked (i really was hoping it will be included)
Global setting to oversample z3ta 2. It is a bit irritating to surf thro presets and every time go to settings and change oversampling to x2. Futhermore, can anyone explain new feature "load fx from another program"?