I'm not the expert here, and won't try to suggest that. But I have a question or two.
Why are you worried about an "image"?
1. An image includes everything and the kitchen sink. On a backup, you do not need Windows, the programs, and all the other garbage that is in your computer.
2. Why not, just make sure that all your work is on the other drive, and all the files pertinent, and please note that every program creates their "own" location (I do not allow that, btw!!!!!!!!), and you just need to check the settings on the 5 or 6 programs that you have, re-open them, and them have that piece of music (let's say) be saved over THERE, on the other drive, and then you can re-check it, and remove the one in the bad location.
3. I only have 2 locations for all my work. "Files" and "Writing" ... and they have their subdivisions within for various uses. The only thing I really need to backup in my computer is those two things.
4. VST's on my computer. A copy of them all is on my locations. Again, anything created with them, and saved is in the Files locations.
In my way of seeing, and YES, I DO NOT have as much music and stuff as you guys do, making sure that things are all in a central location, will save you a lot of time, space and hassle, and not have to deal with compatibility issues. Not to mention crashes.
In my case, I have copies of those 2 locations in 2 other machines ... Files 2 and Files 3 and Writing 2 and Writing 3. So when I go to the lake, for example, I plug in the laptop, turn on the network and then copy the Writing stuff over. When returning I can do the same to the original. I guess I'm not as diligent at copying the folders, but in general, every Sunday night I burn 15 minutes to make sure I am backed up. I can also put these on a CD, if needed.
When you setup W10, it will create a return point, and it should (should!) be able to return everything back to what it was. But I would make sure and cover your own work. You can reinstall a program or two ... but redoing your work can be a hassle, as you feel you lost too much.
Losses are interesting for me. When I let them go, guess what? I gained more and something else in return. Don't ask me to explain that.