All good musicians have a natural feel and an internal clock.
A metronome is " throwing you off" ???
......he always practiced at home with a metronome. The teacher I'm talking about used a metronome in the lessons off and on and was very very strict about learning what strict time was all about.
Steve- good posts..as usual ;)
talking about the metronome again..
MKS (who mentioned on page 2 the 1/8 click if 1/4 doesn't seem to work)..and everyone -
IMHO one of the harder/best things to practice for getting a "natural" feel (playing around time or exactly on time- first of all you got to have decent timing for the hits themselves) but still play in a constant tempo and constrain yourself to one or a small range of BPM changes is the opposite of "more click"/ more sub divisions like 1/8 or 1/16 -
practice in each session with less and less of beats that have a click on them..you'll need one of those nicer metronomes for that or a drum machine/sequencer..
so, starting with a 1/4 metronome and getting used to a certain tempo gradually try leaving just the 1 and 3.. beats 2 and 4..or any other combination (like 1..2.._.._)
until you just leave the FIRST beat of each measure! this would give you a nice gap of 2-3 or even 4 seconds if you practice on the slower grooves/bpm's !
the trick is of course to fall exactly on that single ONE of those next measures.. after some practice you can really do it..for some it won't be so comfortable..(and here we go back to the talent thing;)
even try longer periods (2 measures) of no metronome besides beat 1..it's a nice feeling to play on those large gaps and then falling exactly on a beat that you were expecting to appear then you know you really "feel" that tempo.. you're locked..metronome or not
I thought I'd bump this. This is a great exercise, learning how to wean yourself from being pinged constantly. But also, it's probably better to attempt this after you can already keep time comfortably with more frequent metronome pings, i.e. quarter or half note.
If your metronome is too "old school" to support down beat / half / quarter note pings, then you can still get the same effect by dividing your current BPM by 2 or 4 and calling that the down beat / half beat.
Like any discipline, learning how to do this the first time will not be fun. For a while, it may even drive you nuts and tempt you to pull your hair out. But don't do that (Minoxidil is expensive), just go out and take a walk, breathe some fresh air, sleep on it, and after a fashion, it will be like second nature to you.
Great post Al, you are a benefactor to us all.